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Graduation Fair Ghent 2022

Gent ICC, Familie van Rysselberghedreef, Ghent, Belgium

The Graduation Fair is organized by the Ghent University Association.
(Almost) graduated and looking for a first challenging job? Or, looking for a follow-on course after your bachelor (BA) or master (MA)? Get to know the current job market and a wide range of further study opportunities.

HR managers of more than 200 companies and organizations, as well as employees of the partner institutions of the AUGent are ready to give you concrete career advice and answer your questions.


  • Get to know interesting companies and organizations from various sectors
  • Profile yourself as high potential and take an active approach towards potential employers
  • Expand your network Take part in fascinating, interactive and informative workshops in which professionals explain, among other things, recruitment and selection procedures, the ideal CV and the correct use of social media in applications, etc.
  • Take part in the CV analysis where an HR professional from the business world goes over your CV with you and discusses it (note: registration required)

V.O. participates in the Ghent Graduation Fair. Visit our booth No. 79 in the Casino Hall.


Present on our behalf

Portretfoto van Annemie Swinnen

Annemie Swinnen

  • European Patent Attorney
  • Senior Associate
Portretfoto van Leen Beller

Leen Beller

  • Trainee Patent Attorney