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Hotel NH Eindhoven Conference Centre Koningshof, Locht, Eindhoven, Netherlands

NWO CHAINS is the annual Dutch chemistry conference. It is the event where over 1.500 chemists, from PhD students and postdocs to professors and R&D scientists, in science and industry come together.

NWO facilitates scientific networking, stimulates the exchange of scientific ideas and results and encourages collaboration by bringing the Dutch scientific community together.
The theme for this edition is: The element of surprise!

This event can be participated in both physically and online.

Plenary speakers:
Alán Aspuru-Guzik – University of Toronto, Canada
Titia Sixma –  Netherlands Cancer Institute
Robert Schlögl – Max Planck Institute for Chemical Energy Conversion, Germany

Keynote speakers: 
Luc Brunsveld – Eindhoven University of Technology (CoL)
Gijsje Koenderink – Delft University of Technology (CoL)
Wim Noorduin – AMOLF (CoM)
Henk Bolink – University of Valencia, Spain (CoM)
Magda Titirici – Imperial College London, UK (CC)
Sylvestre Bonnet – Leiden University (CC)
Francesca Grisoni – Eindhoven University of Technology (FMC)
Sylvia Bordiga – University of Torino, Italy (FMC)

Present on our behalf

Portretfoto van Sjoerd Postma

Sjoerd Postma

  • European and Dutch Patent Attorney, European Patent Litigator
  • Senior Associate