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‘To explore, together with a client, how the best IP protection can be obtained is for me the logical next step after an invention has been made.’
Frits Michiels

Frits Michiels

  • Life Sciences
  • European and Dutch Patent Attorney
  • Valuation specialist
  • Partner

Frits Michiels has had an extensive scientific career in both knowledge institutes and biotech companies. From 2004, he was employed as IP manager at Galapagos Genomics BV and subsequently also at other Dutch biotech startups, such as Agendia and Merus. He has worked for V.O. since 2006.

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He is specialized in biochemistry, molecular biology, cell biology, diagnostics, signal transduction, and medical biotechnology. His clients are primarily knowledge institutes and start ups. He is involved in patent prosecution and strategic advice.

Working experience

  • Patent Attorney, V.O. (2006-present)
  • Merus (2006)
  • Galapagos Genomics (1999-2005)
  • Senior Scientist at the Netherlands Cancer Institute (1994-1998)
  • Post-Doc, Amsterdam Medical Center (1991-1993)
  • PhD research at Max Planck Institute for Biochemistry, Munich (1985-1990)


  • PhD in Genetics, Radboud University Nijmegen (1990)
  • MSc in Microbiology, Radboud University Nijmegen (1984)


  • Michiels, GAM Damages extended to after termination of a tort. MIP Vol 205: 94-95 (2011)
  • JP ten Klooster, EE Evers, L Janssen, LM Machesky, F Michiels, P Hordijk and JG Collard. Biochem J. 397, 39–45 (2006)
  • GJ Arts, E Langemeijer, R Tissingh, L Ma, H Pavliska, K Dokic, R Dooijes, E Mesić, R Clasen, F Michiels, J van der Schueren, M Lambrecht, S Herman, R Brys, K Thys, M Hoffmann, P Tomme, H van Es. Genome Res 13, 2325-32 (2003)
  • A Malliri, RA van der Kammen, K Clark, M van der Valk, F Michiels & JG Collard. Nature 417, 867-871 (2002)
  • F Michiels et al. Nature Biotech 20, 1154-1157 (2002)
  • R Engers, E Springer, F Michiels, JG Collard, HE Gabbert. J Biol Chem 276, 41889-97 (2001)
  • WO2002057463 Swap/counter selection; a rapid cloning
  • WO2002070744 Adenoviral library assay for E2F regulatory genes and methods and compositions for screening compounds method
  • WO2005124342 Methods and means for treatment of osteoarthritis


  • English
  • Dutch
  • German

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Annemiek Tepper

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