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‘My technical thoroughness and legal understanding make for strong patents.’
Peter de Lange

Peter de Lange

  • Chemistry
  • European and Dutch Patent Attorney, European Patent Litigator
  • Senior Associate

Peter de Lange joined V.O. in 2011. Previously, he completed an internship with the European Patent Office (Boards of Appeal) while studying chemistry and law. Peter qualified as Dutch patent attorney in 2014 and as European patent attorney in 2015.

His technical expertise is broadly in the field of chemistry and nanomaterials. Applications handled by him relate for instance to polymers, coatings, 3D printing, and inorganic and physical chemistry.

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Peter took a BSc in chemistry and MSc in Nanomaterials (2011) and also obtained a degree in law (LLM cum laude in 2011, next to an LLB). For his law degree, he took graduate courses on European patent law, corporate law, insolvency law and international commercial arbitration.

Peter’s approach is characterized by up-to-date knowledge of procedures and case law and current insight into legal developments such as the unitary patent. In addition, he is eager to learn about new technologies.

In his capacity as European Patent Litigator, Peter is allowed to act as UPC representative.

Working experience

  • Patent Attorney, V.O.


  • MSc in Chemistry, Utrecht University (2011)
  • LLM in Law, Utrecht University (2011, cum laude)


  • Recognized as ‘Notable Practitioner’ (2022, 2023, 2024) by Managing IP


  • P. de Lange, ‘The modern problem-solution approach’, epi information, issue 2-2021
  • P. de Lange, ‘Novelty, added subject-matter, and the ‘gold standard’, epi information, issue 4-2020
  • Co-author Visser’s Annotated European Patent Convention ed. 2018, 2019, Kluwer (the only regularly updated authoritative article-by-article commentary in English on the European Patent Convention).
  • Contributor to Visser’s Annotated Patent Convention, the 2018 Edition, previously known as the Annotated European Patent Convention, published 15 December 2018.
  • P. de Lange ‘De apothekersvrijstelling in de ROW (alsnog)’, IE-Forumnl 14.02.2019 (IEF 18232).
  • ‘The core of Rule 137(5) EPC is non-unity, not forbidding claims for unsearched subject-matter’, epi Information, June 2018.
  • “Overdracht en overdraagbaarheid van prioriteitsrechten in de ROW” , Berichten IE, July 2018.
  • Co-author review article ‘ Patent law 2016’, BIE March/April 2017.
  • Article ‘ Priority in the Dutch Patent Act: too strict requirements and not enough protection in view of the PLT’, BIE December 2015.
  • Co-author of article ‘The Enlarged Board of Appeal opts for a restricted application of Art. 84 EPC in opposition’, BIE May 2015.
  • Article ‘Securing evidence across borders in EU patent litigation’, IP Value 2014.


  • English
  • Dutch

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