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Column - The ultimate profession

Chemistry! It seems so long ago now since I enthusiastically dived into this subject. As a student I also seized every opportunity to investigate numerous other subjects: French, biology, scientific journalism, environmental science and business economics. Throughout those years, I was in my element.

And now that I am facing the end of my career with V.O. it’s clear to me that education and investigation belonged to the nicest and most rewarding aspects of my job. I have had the pleasure of introducing many future patent attorneys to the profession. And every time, there was that magical moment when they experienced (or didn’t) what makes the subject of patents so interesting. You operate and balance on the cutting edge of science, language, innovation, economy and law. All these aspects are relevant; you have to go deeper into all of them.

For me it was a privilege to have been given the space at V.O. to be involved in education related to patents. For example, I was (and am) a lecturer at the Centre for International Property Studies (CEIPI) in Strasbourg for future EPO practitioners. I am also lecturer and board member at Stichting Beroepsopleiding Octrooigemachtigden (SBO), where I mainly have a role in the Practical Chemistry Skills course.

Various colleagues are also active at SBO and CEIPI, so I can safely say that V.O. is deeply committed to education. At V.O. the main focus is always on education, in-house and externally. In this aspect, our office really differs from most other offices. We’re always stressing education. This is also apparent from the usually high pass rates of our people. I’m proud that I have been able to contribute to that as lecturer and mentor.

What next? It probably doesn’t come as a surprise that I would like to continue with education in the field of patents. That’s why I will continue to be actively involved not only with SBO and CEIPI, but also with in-house education, where I am happy to train tomorrow’s patent practitioners; and also, of course, those at V.O.

Harrie Marsman

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