As of 26 March 2015, lawyer and trademark attorney Michiel Haegens has been appointed President of the Benelux Association of Trademark and Design Law (BMM).
The BMM is the professional association of legal specialists from the Benelux who are working for patent and/or trademark firms, patent and trademark departments of large companies, law firms and in the field of (university) education. The BMM is the advisor, spokesperson and training institution for nearly 700 members, a qualified part of whom are allowed to use the quality mark of BMM Certified Trademark Attorney. Haegens has been BMM board member since 2011 and succeeds Thera Adam, whose term of presidency has expired.
Michiel Haegens has been working for V.O. Patents & Trademarks since 2001 and is Head Trademarks & Designs and member of the firm’s China Desk. He is expert in the fields of product protection, re-branding and advising on IP strategies. Haegens services an international group of clients, including banks, foodstuff companies and manufacturers of electronics.