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PatentMatch 2017

Patent Match 2017

From 15 to 20 May, the top technology region, Brainport Eindhoven, hosted the Dutch Technology Week for the sixth time – a week which acts as a showcase for the technological ambitions and achievements in the region.

In that context, the PatentMatch 2017 took place on Thursday 19 May at the High Tech Conference Centre Eindhoven, which forms the beating heart of the “Brainport” initiative. During the PatentMatch event, inventors and creative technologists come into contact with experts and advisers who are in a position to help them develop their ideas and inventions and it goes without saying that V.O. could not forgo taking part in that event. On behalf of our Eindhoven branch, Johannes van Melle conducted a workshop entitled “Golden tips for successful matchmaking and outlook to the unitary patent”.

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Kasper Haak

Kasper Haak

  • European and Dutch Patent Attorney, European Patent Litigator
  • Senior Associate
Eline van Kappel

Eline van Kappel

  • European and Dutch Patent Attorney
  • Associate
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