As of 1 January 2025, Bernard Ledeboer has taken over the baton of V.O. from Herman Witmans. An excellent moment to pause for a moment and subject the outgoing and new chairman to a short interview.
Herman, why are you stepping down as chairman?
“My second three-year term as chairman is coming to an end and I want to be able to devote myself fully to the patent practice again. After all, you have the role as chairman in addition to your work as a patent attorney. So I’m not retiring, just staying at work! Because of this choice, I am also no longer a member and chairman of the Executive Council. I have been a member of the Executive Council for 15 years. I am going to miss that. But it feels good to take some distance now at the administrative level and thus provide the opportunity to bring fresh blood to the Executive Council.”
What are you proud of?
“Especially in the early days of my chairmanship, there were hectic times, during the corona pandemic. That was quite complicated. I am proud that – despite corona – we have continued to work together within the firm in good harmony and that the firm is in good shape. Another example is that we have gained nine new partners in the past period and a tenth one as of 1 January 2025. With these good people, the future and continuity of our firm is assured.”
Bernard, how do you see your role as chairman?
“I find it very honorable that I get to take on this role. As chairman, you are the mouthpiece to the outside world on behalf of the entire office. And internally you have the responsibility that it all keeps running smoothly and that everyone’s interests and perspective are taken into account. Fortunately, I have already had the opportunity to practice the latter for a while at the UPC in my role as a part-time judge there.”
What will you take away and what will you do differently?
“Despite corona’s challenging situation, Herman did a great job of maintaining cohesion among colleagues. He led the office thoughtfully, diplomatically and patiently. Like a real, good chairman. I will do my best to further master those qualities: that’s where I can learn from Herman.
I am taking over the chairmanship while the organization is in good shape. It’s up to me to make sure it continues to go at least as well. For V.O. it is important that we continue to do our best: that we, together with everyone in the office, continue to add value for our clients, deliver tailor-made work and relieve our clients of worries. That’s what a company hires us for. We have to live up to that again and again.”