As a follow up to the successful event Protecting Your Business of 28 March, Gulliver in cooperation with RVO organizes four additional workshops with respect to Intellectual Property. Two of the workshops will be co-presented by experts from V.O.
On Thursday 19 April, the workshop Searching in patent databases will be presented by patent advisor Peter Dorr (RVO) en V.O. expert Bart van Wezenbeek.
Are you regularly active with technical innovation processes? You can innovate more efficiently and save time and money by using free and online accessible patent information. In this workshop, you will learn more on how to go about this.
Patent databases
With more than 100 million patent publications, patent databases are a source of inspiration to save time and money during your innovation process. They give you information regarding your own product development, but also about the developments in your field and about competitors. By viewing this information on time you can prevent you from reinventing the wheel, or infringing on the rights of others. In addition, patent information provides insight into, for example, strategic cooperation partners.
Smart search
During this workshop, theory, practical examples and classroom and individual assignments alternate. You will learn:
- different methods for searching smartly in patent databases;
- the first steps to interpret search results;
- to check the validity of patents;
- how you can automatically keep up to date with the latest patent publications in your field.
This workshop will be given in the English language.
Location and time
BioPartner Center Leiden
BioPartner 1 building, Room 1127
J.H. Oortweg 21 in Leiden
Doors open: 13:30 hrs
Duration of workshop: 14:00-17:00 hrs
Program and registering
Further information about the workshop can be found on the Gulliver website. A registration form on this website will follow shortly.