New on Kluwer Patent Blog: Recordati Ireland Limited, EPO
A claim defining a compound as having a certain purity would lack novelty over a prior art disclosure describing the same compound only if the prior art disclosed the claimed purity at least implicitly.
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Artificial intelligence offers opportunities for patenting
Innovations based on artificial intelligence and machine learning by computers are becoming increasingly common. V.O. is undoubtedly also interested in these consequences for patents.
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New on Kluwer Patent Blog: R-Pharm International, LLC, EPO
A request for re-establishment should be filed within two months of the date of removal of non-compliance.
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New on Kluwer Blog: Sisvel International S.A. vs. Xiaomi Corporation, Nederland
Cases in which FRAND licences are discussed, and where if no licence is taken an injunction is requested, more closely resemble unpaid debt claims then IP-related cases and are thus less suitable for preliminary proceedings.
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Gerard and Anton Awards 2019
Every year, Brainport Eindhoven celebrates the Gerard and Anton Awards festival, named after the two illustrious Philips brothers. Here, prizes are awarded to the 10 most promising startups from Eindhoven that are noteworthy for their combination of applied innovative technology and entrepreneurship.
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