On 28 November, the UK Government announced that it will ratify the Agreement on a Unified Patent Court, despite the result of the EU referendum to leave the European Union. Continue reading
Hyperlinks to copyright-protected material are a risky business!
This autumn, the Court of Justice of the European Union (the Court) issued an important ruling on copyright. The key players in this high-profile case were the website GeenStijl and the publisher Sanoma.
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Adapting to the changing market
On 21 October, the Leuven branch of V.O. invited its clients and contacts to a reception. Guests received a copy of the book Introspective to the future, a publication to celebrate 100 years of V.O.
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Working on the ‘Treesolution’
Gratitude, pride and the sense of a significant opportunity. That was my initial response when the Minister for Economic Affairs, Henk Kamp, named us as a National Icon. The National Icons, which have been named for the second year now, are companies that are tackling social issues with innovations. The Cabinet actively undertakes promotional activities for the winners. This will ensure that my company and the ‘Growboxx’ will come to the attention of far more people, and we will be able to potentially scale up production further as a result. It will result in our worldwide breakthrough, I hope.
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