Insured parties are free to choose their own lawyer
In two recent judgments, the European Court ruled that insurers will now have to reimburse the costs for external lawyers for administrative procedures whereby the assistance of a solicitor need not necessarily be sought. Previously, it had already been ruled that insurers were required to allow their insured parties to freely choose their lawyer in cases in which it is compulsory to be represented by a lawyer.
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TTOs have proved invaluable
Our core business is to ensure that Erasmus MC’s inventions, from apps to biomarkers, are brought to market and are ultimately made available to patients. It goes without saying that this leads to increased visibility and additional income that we can use for research. Technology Transfer Offices (TTOs) are actually a relatively recent development in the Netherlands; we launched them in the late 1990s. But TTOs have now proved invaluable and almost everyone within Erasmus MC knows about us.
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So. First of all some case law
Bavaria has filed an objection in interlocutory proceedings against the slogan ‘Zo. Nu eerst naar de cloud’. [So. First of all to the cloud.] This slogan was used by Yourhosting for its cloud services. These proceedings were initiated due to Bavaria’s well-known slogan (‘Zo. Nu eerst een Bavaria’ [So. First of all a Bavaria]) that Bavaria claims is protected by copyright.
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Unitary patent and the consequences for licence agreements
The new unitary patent and the associated court (UPC) are expected to come into existence at the start of 2017. The new regulations also have consequences for new and existing licence agreements. The most important changes are listed below. Continue reading