When does investing in IP protection actually make sense? How can you protect your IP with a limited budget by cleverly using the possibilities? And what role can IP play in order to make your entreprise more attractive for a take-over? How do you create value?
On Friday 27 February 2015, Octrooicentrum Nederland (OCNL) and High Tech Campus Eindhoven organise the event Patents valuable to SME? IP strategy with a limited budget. The purpose of the event is to guide you, as a business person representing a technically innovative SME, through the support possibilities for patent activities. A useful IP strategy with a limited budget, that’s what it’s all about.
Sharing experiences
Under the supervision of the day’s chairman Ton Tangena (President European Patent Institute) co-businessmen and specialists, including V.O. Patents & Trademarks, share their experiences with you. They explain how they use patents to cooperate with large companies and how they do so with a limited budget. Also, they explain how patents create value for their companies.
Invention accelerator TRIZ
By means of a practical case, V.O. Patents & Trademarks provides insight into TRIZ; a new and efficient way of developing innovative solutions. This new way of thinking gets engineers and inventors out of their comfort zones, structures the brainstorming process and eases the generation of new ideas. In this developing process, we make use of patent information derived from databases worldwide. In this manner, IP landscaping give you insight into and an overview of innovations of your major competitors. Do you want to know more? Register now!
13.00 – 13.30 hours: welcome
13.30 – 17.45 hours: program
17.45 – 19.00 hours: networking drinks
Of course you will have sufficient opportunity to ask questions and obtain information. At the end of the afternoon, you know how to set up a useful IP strategy for your company, who offers what support and where you can reduce costs.
Visit the RVO website for the complete program and registration