De Beta Business Days is een tweedaags evenement met als doel contacten te leggen tussen bedrijven en ambitieuze studenten uit Groningen.
The Beta Business Days is a two-day event aimed at establishing contacts between companies and ambitious students from Groningen.
The Beta Business Days specifically target students associated with the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering at the University of Groningen. This target group consists of over 7,000 bachelor’s, master’s and PhD students who are orienting on their career prospects, looking for graduation assignments, internships or jobs.
The 36th edition of the Beta Business Days is scheduled for 20 and 21 February at the Martiniplaza in Groningen. Science and engineering companies are participating in the event, which offers them the opportunity to meet career-oriented students through activities of their choice, for example, presentations, individual company interviews, challenging cases or booths with company exhibits.
V.O. will participate in the Business Expo on Monday, 20 February, from 3 pm to 6.30 p.m. Visit our booth!