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Patent databases offer a treasure trove of information

Do you regularly work with technical innovation processes? You can innovate more efficiently and thereby save time and money by using the online patent databases with accessible patent information. Continue reading

Rising Stars and Notable Practitioners

The British IP magazine Managing Intellectual Property publishes a list of “Rising Stars in IP” annually in November. The list is compiled by conducting surveys among IP offices and professionals, among other things. Continue reading

Enthusiasm for IP webinars

The first three webinars from of a series of six on strategic handling of IP were extremely popular. The first webinar was about patents in general, the second about trademark and design protection, and the third webinar was about patent databases and research. You can see these three webinars on our website. Continue reading

Collaboration also entails arranging property rights

“Do you want to collaborate?” If tech-driven businesses ask each other that question, both sides tend to dig their heels in because inevitably the follow-up question is almost always: Who will own the IP rights that come from that collaboration? Making agreements about this in advance avoids frustrations after the fact. Continue reading

New accommodation Groningen office

The Groningen office of V.O. moved to the Leonard Springerlaan 17 on 7 December. Thirteen years earlier, on exactly the same date, the office had moved from Heresingel 7 to Heresingel 3. Continue reading

German ratification EU patent one step closer

Earlier this year, the German Constitutional Court ruled that the introduction of a bill on the approval of the Unified Patent Court (UPC) was unconstitutional, because the draft ratification bill had not been adopted with the required two-thirds majority of the German parliament. Continue reading