The Union Customs Code (UCC) will enter into force in 28 EU member states with effect from 1 May 2016. Under current customs regulations, the customs value of imported goods is the same as their transaction value. Continue reading
Capri-Sun: the shape mark back to form?
In theory, shapes can be registered as trademarks and monopolised. However, practice shows that a shape mark cannot be registered or invoked against third parties without justification. Capri-Sun, the producer of the well-known fruit drink of the same name, is now experiencing the complexities of shape marks for itself. However, there would seem to be some light at the end of the tunnel for Capri-Sun. Continue reading
Smart publication
Imagine that you are a company that has filed a patent application, but it has not yet been published. At this ‘secret’ application stage, you may find that a competitor from your network files an application for a similar patent, which will present you with problems. V.O. is introducing the ‘controlled publication’ especially for situations like this. Continue reading
Important changes to European Trademark Legislation
A number of important changes will be made to European trademark legislation with effect from 23 March 2016; these changes could affect your EU trademarks. Continue reading