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Chemical specialism now in Arnhem too

V.O. believes that it is important to be in the market and close to its clients. This is why Hajo Kraak, a specialist in Chemistry and Life Sciences, has been working from the V.O. office in Arnhem since 1 February 2014. By doing this, he is responding to the wishes and needs of the growing number of clients that the company has in this region.

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Distinguishing features: difficult to protect

In a legal sense, a brand is defined as a sign that is open to graphic depiction and that can be used to distinguish the goods or services that an organisation offers. In short, a brand is a distinctive sign. External product characteristics are open to graphic depiction too, but are almost never eligible for trademark protection. This is because they are rarely deemed capable of distinguishing the product in question, despite the fact that product characteristics are actually recognised as an indication of origin.

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Belgian patent attorneys

In January, two Dutch and European patent attorneys for V.O. were registered as Belgian patent attorneys too: Annemie Jaeken and Bart Jan Niestadt. Annemie works at the V.O. office in Leuven; Bart Jan divides his time between the offices in Eindhoven and Leuven.

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Register for the China seminar

In the last newsletter, we drew your attention to a seminar about IP cases involving China, which is scheduled for the spring of this year. We can now inform you that the seminar will take place from 3 to 6 p.m., on Wednesday 23 April in Eindhoven and on Thursday 24 April in Leuven. The title of the seminar is Trademarks & Patents, Eight Golden Rules for your Business with China.

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