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US Supreme Court makes it easier to obtain a conviction due to incitement to patent infringement

'Inducement' to patent infringement may exist in the US with the delivery of products to a business, which in its turn infringes the patent in the US with these products. Continue reading

Public consultation on legislative changes for unitary patent

On Friday 1 May 2015 an internet consultation started for the draft legislative proposal to amend the 1995 Patents Act (Rijksoctrooiwet 1995) in connection with the Jurisdiction Convention. Continue reading

Is Vlaanderen Muziekland a distinctive brand?

A descriptive wordmark cannot be registered in many cases. In the case of Vlaanderen Muziekland, however, the Brussels Court of Appeal takes a different view. Continue reading

Activate your ideas - column by Cees Jansen

You will probably have noticed that the newsletter has undergone a metamorphosis. We have also simultaneously launched a new slogan: Activate your ideas. Continue reading