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More scope for European patents for methods of medical treatment

In its decision G1/07 (Medi-Physics), the Enlarged Board of Appeal of the European Patent Office (EPO) has ruled that current patent office practice on exclusion of methods of medical treatment from patentability has been too restrictive.

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No absolute protection for gene sequences in Europe?

In the case C-428/08, the Advocate-General of the European Court of Justice recently issued his conclusion.

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G308: Enlarged Board answers no questions on patentability of computer implemented inventions

In its opinion G3/08, the Enlarged Board of Appeal of the European Patent Office (EPO) declined to answer questions referred to it by the President of the EPO about the patentability of computer-implemented inventions (CII).

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Swiss-type claims no longer acceptable in Europe

Recently, the Enlarged Board of Appeal, in case G 2/08,issued a decision on the patentability of a method for therapy in which the new and inventive feature was a new dose regimen for an already known drug and medical indication.

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Use of a CTM in the Netherlands regarded as genuine use?

In an opposition procedure before the Benelux Office for Intellectual Property (BOIP) in January 2010, it was held that the use of a Community trademark (CTM) in the Netherlands only is not sufficient to conclude that the CTM has been genuinely used.

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Green patents

The EPO is engaged in a joint study with the United Nations Environment Programme and the International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development on the relationship between patents and the development and transfer of clean energy technologies. Continue reading

Change of language of the proceedings is not possible

The EPO Enlarged Board of Appeal has decided that it is not possible to file a translation of the application into one of the two other official languages when entering the European regional phase.

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MIP Global Award 2010 for VEREENIGDE

On 24 June, VEREENIGDE will be presented a prestigious award in London: The Netherlands Prosecution IP Firm of the Year Award 2010.

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USPTO lifts restrictions on expedited examination of green patent applications

Further to our news item of 16 December 2009, the United States Patent and Trademark Office has lifted certain restrictions on the subject matter required for expedited examination of green technology patent applications.

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