EU trademark law has recently been substantially modernised. More efficient and consistent law is not only better suited to the present internet age, but also contributes to a more coherent body of procedures within Europe. Continue reading
Who does an invention belong to?
One of your business's employees invents something promising. Great news, of course, but who then has the rights to this invention? Continue reading
Lead Pharma: "Valorisation is our main concern"
Dutch firm Lead Pharma develops drugs to combat cancer and autoimmune diseases. To be able to quickly introduce a commercially promising innovation to the market, Lead Pharma often works together with partners. Continue reading
Unitary patent: little benefit to SMEs?
The European Union is set to introduce a common patent, known as the Unitary patent. Unlike the current European patent, whereby countries are designated separately, the Unitary patent will apply concurrently in practically every single member state. Continue reading