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V.O. supports student competitions

As in past years, this year V.O. also supports the innovation competition that our country's four universities of technology enter into among themselves and with each other. Thus, the Eindhoven University of Technology organizes the TU/e Contest, Wageningen University & Research the WUR Challenge, University of Twente the UT Challenge and the Delft University of Technology the TU Delft Impact Contest. Recently, Erasmus University also joined in with the Erasmus University Challenge.

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Tamara Idema European patent attorney

On 12 July, Tamara Idema was registered as a European patent attorney, after she passed the European Qualifying Examination (EQE) a few weeks earlier.

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New talent is always welcome at V.O.

V.O. is constantly looking for suitable candidates to train as patent attorneys. With the recruitment campaign LOVE SCIENCE, THINK BUSINESS that can be seen on Instagram and LinkedIn, we entice students and recent graduates to visit our special campaign website. Here they get insight into the profession, the training program and trainees tell about their experiences at V.O.

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