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Technical drawings

You have an invention and you want to protect it with a patent. Then you often need to provide a good technical drawing to clarify your invention. The draftsmen at V.O. can help you create a drawing that meets all the formal requirements set by patent offices, among others.

Formal requirements

In principle drawings are not mandatory in the 39 countries that participate in the European Patent Convention (EPC). Nevertheless, they are very useful to clarify the subject matter for which a patent is sought.

When drawings are included, the European Patent Office (EPO) prescribes that they meet several requirements, for instance with regard to the use of colors and shading. “A drawing must depict the invention as completely as possible and include marks referred to in the specification and claims in the patent application. Obviously, the latter especially concerns patent applications in the fields of high-tech, electronics and engineering. Furthermore, explanatory texts are not allowed, except for some clarifications such as ‘water’, ‘steam’, ‘open’, ‘close’, etc. Moreover, the presentation of the drawings should be without inconsistencies and needless complication,” says Yur Griffioen, technical draftsman at V.O.

High-quality drawings

A good drawing that meets all the requirements will prevent formal defects when applying for your patent. The patent attorneys and draftsman of V.O. are familiar with all requirements set by patent offices. A draftsman can convert sketches into high-quality (digital) line drawings. Griffioen: “In addition, we can modify your existing CAD drawings if the need arises. That works quickly and is cost-effective. With the software used by V.O., we can also easily turn your CAD drawings into patent drawings. These can then be used in the patent application.”


If you want or need to have a drawing made, this is discussed with your patent attorney. He or she will discuss the requirements and wishes with you and coordinate the work with the draftsman.

For more information, please contact one of our patent attorneys.

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