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Jobfair Vlaamse Technische Kring (VTK) 2024

Brabanthal, Brabantlaan, Leuven, België

The VTK Jobfair will take place on Thurday 14 March 2024. The Jobfair falls during an interesting time for students to find out what the business market has to offer. It is the ideal opportunity for students to get in touch with companies through VTK.

Several recruitment activities are combined in this Jobfair in order to guarantee the largest possible turnout of students for the business community.

The previous Jobfair editions attracted many engineering students. Not only civil engineers, but also bio-engineering, commercial engineering and industrial engineering students are informed about this event. During the fair, students were able to learn about a large number of companies and their job openings. As the VTK Jobfair is one of the larger job fairs for technical profiles in Flanders, it is the perfect opportunity to recruit engineers.

V.O. will be represented at the online Jobfair by Annemie Jaeken and Senne Plessers.

More information: www.jobfair.vtk.be

Present on our behalf

Portretfoto van Annemie Jaeken

Annemie Jaeken

  • European, Dutch and Belgian Patent Attorney, European Patent Litigator
  • Partner