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V.O. advises companies through Wallonia subsidy program

The Wallonia Region (Wallonia, Belgium) is investing in the future of small and medium-sized companies in Wallonia. This government program enables businesses to spend a subsidy for each theme using ‘business checks’ (Chèques Entreprises) with qualified service providers. V.O. is one of these service providers.

An ‘Intellectual Property Business Check’ allows businesses to directly seek advice from a V.O. office in Belgium.

Subsidized advice

The subsidy program is supported by the European Regional Development Fund. A subsidy is available for support with starting a company, innovation, the circular economy and the growth of companies in Wallonia. It also specifically covers advice on the protection of intellectual property. The Business Check enables businesses to spend a total of €45,000 over three years on advice from intellectual property specialists. They will be reimbursed a maximum of 75% of the advisory fees. This may include advice on a novelty search, a literature search (state of the art), but also more in-depth strategic analyses.

Qualified service provider

V.O. has been qualified for the government program in the area of Intellectual Property services. V.O. is now represented in Belgium with two offices (Leuven and Liège). The Liège office has been open for some time. “V.O. recently moved into offices at LIEGE Science Park. Here we are part of an active business community, with extensive exchanges with growing companies”, said Isabelle Surdej, patent attorney in Liège. “Having a location in Liège means that we can now better serve the French-speaking market. The Business Check offers companies an accessible manner of connecting with us. For instance, they can turn to us for advice and practical tips about generating added value for their business with their innovations.”

Do you want to use the Business Check?

If your business is established in Wallonia, you may be eligible for a Business Check. You can apply for this at www.cheques-entreprises.be. The Business Check is only available for small and medium-sized businesses that are registered as a commercial undertaking with the Banque-Carrefour des Entreprises (BCE).

Do you need more information about the Business Check?

Contact Isabelle Surdej:
+32 16 24 08 54


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