At the end of November, Demoday formed the conclusion to the HighTechXL Start-up Bootcamp (SBC) in Eindhoven. This is the first Dutch accelerator programme to focus exclusively on high-tech start-ups. Continue reading
Vouchers for award-winning inventions
The Cardio Acces Key, developed by Science & Technology Corporation, has come top in the 2015 Veiligheid Innovatie Competitie (VIC, Safety Innovation Competition), organised at the initiative of the Ministry of Security and Justice. Continue reading
V.O. Patents & Trademarks 100 years
In 2016, V.O. will celebrate its centenary! The company was incorporated in 1916 under the name Vereenigde Octrooibureaux. Over all those years, V.O. has developed into a major player in the field of patents and trademarks. Continue reading