Life Sciences
Hightech & Electronics
Trademarks & Designs

‘V.O. got us thinking. That's how we came up with new ideas.’
‘V.O. got us thinking. That's how we came up with new ideas.’

‘Active IP management has certainly contributed to the success.’
‘Active IP management has certainly contributed to the success.’

More than 60 experts support our clients in maximizing the value of their intellectual property.

‘Our partners expect us to have a patent portfolio.’
‘Our partners expect us to have a patent portfolio.’

‘Once it has been established that it is a case of trademark infringement, the infringing products are destroyed on site.’
‘Once it has been established that it is a case of trademark infringement, the infringing products are destroyed on site.’

‘If we hadn’t been able to patent our technology, it would never have got off the ground.’
‘If we hadn’t been able to patent our technology, it would never have got off the ground.’

‘By patenting our invention, we have the development and execution under our control.’
‘By patenting our invention, we have the development and execution under our control.’

‘The license negotiation has led to more synergy in our IP portfolio.’
‘The license negotiation has led to more synergy in our IP portfolio.’
Find the right expert directly
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Please call one of our experts directly:
The Netherlands +31 70 416 67 11
Belgium +32 16 24 08 50
Germany +49 89 890 63 69 36
Tech starters
Increase the chances of survival for your company by registering your intellectual property. We will be pleased to help you, so that you can concentrate on developing an idea to become a market product.
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As an innovative SME you invest in the future. Your intellectual property thus forms an important part of your business assets and deserves a professional approach.
Continue readingMultinationals
Intellectual property plays an important part in your organization. A strategy chosen may have direct consequences for the position in another country. This requires specific know-how.
Continue readingKnowledge centers
The intellectual property resulting from your research represents a market value that enables you to generate income. Protecting and valorizing your intellectual property is our expertise.
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Please call one of our experts directly:
The Netherlands +31 70 416 67 11
Belgium +32 16 24 08 50
Germany +49 89 890 63 69 36
Increase the chances of survival for your company by registering your intellectual property. We will be pleased to help you, so that you can concentrate on developing an idea to become a market product.
Continue readingAs an innovative SME you invest in the future. Your intellectual property thus forms an important part of your business assets and deserves a professional approach.
Continue readingIntellectual property plays an important part in your organization. A strategy chosen may have direct consequences for the position in another country. This requires specific know-how.
Continue readingThe intellectual property resulting from your research represents a market value that enables you to generate income. Protecting and valorizing your intellectual property is our expertise.
Continue readingExpertise
Make your innovation profitable by dealing strategically with your intellectual property. Our specialists will support you in words and deeds with developing and implementing an IP strategy based on your company objectives. Whether it involves a patent application, drawing up agreements or support with infringement proceedings, our style of working is to the point and completely transparent.
Trademarks & design
Registering your trademark or design means that it cannot be simply used or copied by third parties. Careful registration is important and can sometimes be fairly complex. V.O. supports you through this process. We help you to guard your creation, deal with unauthorized copying and set up a robust licence agreement. This lets you get the maximum from your ideas.
Legal services
In addition to patent and trademark services, V.O. also provides legal services. The attorneys-at-law of V.O. advise and assist in drafting and negotiating intellectual property (IP) agreements such as license agreements, Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs) and agreements regarding the sale of IP rights. In addition, our attorneys-at-law of course assist in and take on IP litigation cases.
Raquel Alvarez
- European and Benelux Trademark and Design Attorney
Frits Michiels
- European and Dutch Patent Attorney
- Valuation specialist
Martin Klok
- European and Dutch Patent Attorney, European Patent Litigator
- Valuation specialist
Bart Jan Niestadt
- European, Dutch and Belgian Patent Attorney, European Patent Litigator
Blijke Kroezen
- European and Dutch Patent Attorney, European Patent Litigator
Kasper Haak
- European and Dutch Patent Attorney, European Patent Litigator
Hajo Kraak
- European and Dutch Patent Attorney, European Patent Litigator
Philipp Reichl
- European and German Patent and Trademark Attorney, European Patent Litigator
Bettina Hermann
- European and German Patent and Trademark Attorney, European Patent Litigator
Matthijs Roelofs
- European and Dutch Patent Attorney

Upcoming decision on legal criterion for ‘novelty’
One of the most important requirements for obtaining a patent on a product in Europe is that the product is novel. That means that before the day on which the patent application was filed, the product was not yet available to the public in any way.
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Passed BLX trademark and design attorney examination
Friday 17 January, our colleague Jorien Wartena passed the last part of her Benelux Trademark and Design Attorney exam. She may now call herself trademark and design attorney.
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An update on the unitary patent system
As of 1 June 2023, the European Patent Office (EPO) offers the possibility to register a granted European patent as a unitary patent. This unitary patent has effect in 18 European Union (EU) member states, representing 80% of the GDP of the EU. Before its start, it was uncertain if patentees would readily embrace the unitary patent system, afraid of losing their patent in a single court action.
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NCCC 2025
The 26th edition of the NCCC (Netherlands Catalysis and Chemistry Conference) takes place from Monday 10 to Wednesday 12 March in Noordwijkerhout.
Continue readingBeta Business Days 2025
The Beta Business Days is a two-day event aimed at establishing contacts between companies and ambitious students from Groningen.
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