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Jetze Beeksma

Jetze Beeksma

  • European and Dutch Patent Attorney, European Patent Litigator
“My aim is to increase the value of your company by aligning intellectual property with corporate strategy.”
Annemiek Tepper

Annemiek Tepper

  • European and Dutch Patent Attorney, European Patent Litigator
“The best results are obtained when there is an exchange of creative thinking between the patent attorney and the client. I truly enjoy achieving and maintaining such synergy.”
Jasper Groot Koerkamp

Jasper Groot Koerkamp

  • European and Dutch Patent Attorney, European Patent Litigator
“IP protection puts you in control of your innovation and provides freedom to share it at your own terms.”
Alexander van Loon

Alexander van Loon

  • European and Dutch Patent Attorney
“Everyone’s knowledge is unique and therefore potentially valuable.”
Jorien Wartena

Jorien Wartena

  • Benelux Trademark and Design Attorney
“IP law enables the rights holder to continue to develop his or her property, thereby stimulating growth and creativity, providing opportunities in addition to protection. ”
Herman Witmans

Herman Witmans

  • European and Dutch Patent Attorney, European Patent Litigator
“A broad perspective and creativity as well as a keen eye for detail are needed for obtaining the best IP-protection.”
Blijke Kroezen

Blijke Kroezen

  • European and Dutch Patent Attorney, European Patent Litigator
“Innovation is the process of turning ideas into manufacturable and marketable form. (Watts Humprey)”
Kasper Haak

Kasper Haak

  • European and Dutch Patent Attorney, European Patent Litigator
“It's my challenge to acquire patent rights as pertinent business assets.”
Raimondo Cau

Raimondo Cau

  • European and Dutch Patent Attorney
“IP belongs to a company’s most powerful assets, profitable in all economic conditions.”
Annelies de Bosch Kemper-de Hilster

Annelies de Bosch Kemper-de Hilster

  • Attorney-at-Law
  • Registered UPC Lawyer
“The first quality of style is clarity. (Aristotle)”


Patenting AI inventions: how to protect artificial intelligence innovations

As AI and machine learning advance, protecting innovations based on these technologies is essential to securing IP and capitalizing on efforts. For an AI invention to be patentable, it must have a "technical character," meaning it must use technical means to solve a technical problem. A software module that applies a machine learning model is not inherently patentable unless it contributes to solving a technical problem in a novel and non-obvious way.

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What about your ‘T & C’?

The importance of terms and conditions is often underestimated - writing the two words in full is sometimes even too much. “Who reads them at all?”, ‘We don't even know what's in them ourselves’, ‘We rarely fall back on them’ and ‘Why would we want to put general terms and conditions forward if the cooperation with this customer or supplier is going well?’ are arguments heard with some regularity.

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Upcoming decision on legal criterion for ‘novelty’

One of the most important requirements for obtaining a patent on a product in Europe is that the product is novel. That means that before the day on which the patent application was filed, the product was not yet available to the public in any way.

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NCCC 2025

Hotel NH Noordwijk Conference Centre Leeuwenhorst, Langelaan, Noordwijkerhout

The 26th edition of the NCCC (Netherlands Catalysis and Chemistry Conference) takes place from Monday 10 to Wednesday 12 March in Noordwijkerhout.

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Beta Business Days 2025

Martiniplaza, Leonard Springerlaan, Groningen, Netherlands

The Beta Business Days is a two-day event aimed at establishing contacts between companies and ambitious students from Groningen.

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