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Raquel Alvarez

Raquel Alvarez

  • European and Benelux Trademark and Design Attorney
“Wise men don't need advice. Fools won't take it (Benjamin Franklin)”
Frits Michiels

Frits Michiels

  • European and Dutch Patent Attorney
  • Valuation specialist
“To explore, together with a client, how the best IP protection can be obtained is for me the logical next step after an invention has been made.”
Martin Klok

Martin Klok

  • European and Dutch Patent Attorney, European Patent Litigator
  • Valuation specialist
“IP is the link between advanced knowledge and financial result.”
Bart Jan Niestadt

Bart Jan Niestadt

  • European, Dutch and Belgian Patent Attorney, European Patent Litigator
“The critical factors for a successful IP policy are different for each business. Knowing these factors is key.”
Blijke Kroezen

Blijke Kroezen

  • European and Dutch Patent Attorney, European Patent Litigator
“Innovation is the process of turning ideas into manufacturable and marketable form. (Watts Humprey)”
Kasper Haak

Kasper Haak

  • European and Dutch Patent Attorney, European Patent Litigator
“It's my challenge to acquire patent rights as pertinent business assets.”
Hajo Kraak

Hajo Kraak

  • European and Dutch Patent Attorney, European Patent Litigator
“Your technology knowledge and my patent thinking can create a win for your business.”
Philipp Reichl

Philipp Reichl

  • European and German Patent and Trademark Attorney, European Patent Litigator
“My task is to optimize the process of building a company’s IP portfolio so that it can get the foothold it needs in the industry to secure its future.”
Bettina Hermann

Bettina Hermann

  • European and German Patent and Trademark Attorney, European Patent Litigator
“IP is an essential asset of a company having many different facets - always worth to work for it.”
Matthijs Roelofs

Matthijs Roelofs

  • European and Dutch Patent Attorney
“A patent attorney converts practice, the invention, into theory, the patent. The patent then offers possibilities for all kinds of practical applications.”


Upcoming decision on legal criterion for ‘novelty’

One of the most important requirements for obtaining a patent on a product in Europe is that the product is novel. That means that before the day on which the patent application was filed, the product was not yet available to the public in any way.

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Passed BLX trademark and design attorney examination

Friday 17 January, our colleague Jorien Wartena passed the last part of her Benelux Trademark and Design Attorney exam. She may now call herself trademark and design attorney.

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An update on the unitary patent system

As of 1 June 2023, the European Patent Office (EPO) offers the possibility to register a granted European patent as a unitary patent. This unitary patent has effect in 18 European Union (EU) member states, representing 80% of the GDP of the EU. Before its start, it was uncertain if patentees would readily embrace the unitary patent system, afraid of losing their patent in a single court action.

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NCCC 2025

Hotel NH Noordwijk Conference Centre Leeuwenhorst, Langelaan, Noordwijkerhout

The 26th edition of the NCCC (Netherlands Catalysis and Chemistry Conference) takes place from Monday 10 to Wednesday 12 March in Noordwijkerhout.

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Beta Business Days 2025

Martiniplaza, Leonard Springerlaan, Groningen, Netherlands

The Beta Business Days is a two-day event aimed at establishing contacts between companies and ambitious students from Groningen.

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